Wednesday, March 3, 2010

watch out for that treeeeeeeeeee

the captain was in town! yep - decided to lower his standards a bit and take a real easy day of running with dora. after having to pull over a half dozen times on the way up to attempt text messaging with his daughter, he finally arrived at the treehouse - only 15 minutes late - which wasn't really technically late according to pylon standards. we both opted for shorts - no snowshoes or gators - and drove over to duffys' palgrave. temp was perfect and trail conditions were pretty good - he'd been running in mud and ice on the don the past few days, and found this a welcome change. just past humber station, i slightly grazed my head on a low lying branch - which of course did not go unnoticed by the captain. 'gee dora, did you not see that branch???'. haha, good one cap, i guess not. anyways, we made it almost to centerville creek before turning back. i was leading and just as i got past the above-mentioned branch, i heard a rather loud thud, a slight groan, and turned to see the captain lying face down in the snow! hahahahahahaha! in true pylon fashion, i laughed a good minute or two before i asked if he was okay. (he would have done the same.) 'gee cap, did you not see that branch???' and if he hit head-on, why was he lying face down??? only thing we can figure is that he twisted while trying to stop his watch as he was falling! after a few more minutes of hysterical laughter, we managed to compose ourselves and eventually get back to the car.

what a great run! thanks cap! and sorry i burned the soup - only took me 5 minutes to scrub it off the stove! hahaha! stoopid dora!

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