Saturday, November 5, 2011

crossfit bolton - friday night club

wahoo! big crowd at crossfit last night! most of us did heavy deadlifts with burpees, while the others wrestled with overhead squats and box jumps. speaking of box jumps, i think i've done 350 of them since tuesday! argh!

my super strong, super kool, beautiful friend lisa managed to ditch work and get in for a workout - been way too long.

ps. she's the hottie in the middle between marsala and kat!

great job thomas! so impressed that you've lost 25lbs since you joined!! and even more impressed you delayed getting nasty-faced in guelph so you could attend fnc . . .

crossfit ladies - lia, lisa and marsala . . .

playing in the parking lot with todd . . .

crossfit ROCKS !!

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